Ash Wednesday

We will be doing an open house style for Ash Wednesday between 12-1p and 6-7pm on March 5th. Stop by between those times for a brief devotion and to receive the sign of the cross. You can also submit a contact form if you would like to schedule an appointment outside the normal time slots.

Christmas Eve Schedule

We will be celebrating Christmas Eve at 6pm on December 24th. There is no Christmas Day worship on the 25th. Please reach out if you have any questions by using the contact form below.

Ash Wednesday

We will be doing an open house style for Ash Wednesday between 12-1p and 6-7pm on February 14th. Stop by between those times for a brief devotion and to receive the sign of the cross.

December 24th Schedule

We will be celebrating Christmas Eve at 6pm on December 24th and we are cancelling our regular 10am service on the 24th. There is no Christmas Day worship on the 25th. Please reach out if you have any questions by using the contact form below.

Black History Month at First Lutheran Venice

This Sunday, February 26th at 11am, First Lutheran Venice is hosting a special service to commemorate Black History Month. In order to support the work of our sister congregation and to celebrate Black History Month, our own worship service will be kept to 30 minutes so that we can encourage people from First Lutheran Culver/Palms … Read more

Ash Wednesday

At First Lutheran we do not have a formal worship service for Ash Wednesday, but we do offer an open house style ash ceremony. If you would like to participate, Pastor Matt will have the church open from 12-1pm and 6-7pm. Just drop in during those times to go through a short reading and receive … Read more