After much prayer and consideration, the board has decided that the most prudent course of action is to TEMPORARILY SUSPEND all on-campus services & activities at First Lutheran Culver City (please see the below information for more details) until April 19th or further notice. We do not cancel worship out of fear, rather we cancel worship out of love and compassion for the sake of our neighbors. We are also following the guidance from city, state and federal officials. The suspension of worship is a sacrifice we make to do our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
In the face of this threat to our world’s health and economy, we remain steadfast in the HOPE we have in Christ, the LOVE we have for our neighbors and the OPPORTUNITY we have to serve the most vulnerable in our congregation and city.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need help. Seriously, LET US KNOW if you or someone you know is in need of food or supplies and we will do what we can to help as a congregation.
Rev. Matt Wait I Josh Salzberg, Executive Director
In the best interests of our congregation’s health and safety as well as keeping with guidelines from city, state and federal officials, we’re going to be temporarily suspending on-campus worship gatherings and activities, effective immediately. This includes Sunday morning worship and the brunch scheduled for March 22.
Our current plan is to resume gathering as normal on, APRIL 19, but we will keep you posted as news around the pandemic develops in the coming weeks.
While our on-campus activities will be suspended, we will continue to function as a congregation, living in love and service for one another, our city and our world. As always, Rev. Wait’s sermons will be posted on First Lutheran’s Website and we’ll be developing other ways to interact and support one another. In the mean time, PLEASE LET US KNOW if you or someone you know is in need of food or supplies and we will do what we can to help as a congregation.
As you may know, the best way we can soften the health and economic impact on our city, country and world is to practice social distancing. We encourage everyone, if at all possible, to PLEASE STAY HOME. See this explanation from Ariadne Labs (Brigham & Women’s Hospital / Harvard School of Public Health), which gives guidelines for best practices and the science behind how we can help.