The Making of a Home John 14:23-31 What does it take to make a home? Message this week by guest preacher, Rev. Bart Loos.
Ascension Luke 24:44-53 The ascension calls the church to action here and now.
The Hinge Exodus 20:1-17 What does scripture say about resting?
Table For Two Exodus 20:1-17 The second table of the Ten Words helps us share the grace of God with the whole world and helps us avoid living like Pharaoh.
Table For One Exodus 20:1-7 The first "commandment" is not a commandment, but a word of grace.
Saved For Exodus 20 Let's start calling them something other than the Ten Commandments...
Slavery to Worship Exodus 14 Over the next weeks we will be looking at the "10 Commandments," but first we dig into the story of the Exodus.
An Idle Tale Luke 24:1-12 Easter fills us with hope and calls us to action.
Rubbish Philippians 3:4-14 Jesus died on our behalf, so what does our response look like?
Two Sons LUKE 15:11-32 What causes us to stray from a loving relationship? What makes us lost? This sermon reflects on the parable of the prodigal son by meditating on Rembrandt's "The Return of the Prodigal Son."