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Psalm 50
God calls us into a loving relationship, not a formulaic response.
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Luke 12
Is anxiety okay?
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Psalm 100
What does it look like to praise God?
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Luke 11:1-13
The Lord's Prayer helps to shape the way we think about God and his work in the world.
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Genesis 18
What does a hero of faith look like?
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Luke 10:25-37
To whom do we have to show mercy?
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Luke 10:1-10
Pastor Bart Loos brings us a word about rejection and acceptance.
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Galatians 5
We are set free in Christ, but that comes with a responsibility to serve.
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Isaiah 65:1-12
The people of God often ask for God's voice, but how do we respond when we don't like what he says?
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John 8:48-59
Is the Trinity like an apple? Turns out it isn't.